Wednesday, June 20, 2012

You know rehearsal's rockin' when the floor ends up littered with splintered drumsticks.


  1. You know the shows rockin' when the floor ends up a slip-n-slide of sweat and emotion... At least that's what happened last time I saw you play!!! CAN'T WAIT FOR WARPED!!!!!!!

  2. can't wait to see you at warped tour!! can we be expecting new songs?!?!

  3. You can! We're toying with about six or seven songs for our set. We know how demanding the Warped crowd can be, so we're turning things up a notch. See you all there!

  4. As we became cognitive of the fact that adults were 'older' than us as children, we all grew into this notion of this thing...this thing in our minds, whether we received the information from nature or nurture, that told us, "You have to get a job when you're older. So, choose now." I remember in 5th grade I wanted to be a lawyer. But when we're young, our curious minds simply want to learn about everything. Since then, I realized my passion and now I'm following my heart of writing and editing.

    So, Troy, when you were a kid, say, 5 or 6...11?, if you can remember, what did you want to be when you grew up? Or was music just always a part of you?

    1. I think music has always been a part of me, but it took some time to figure that out. I've never been much a believer in the idea that we're all born blank slates. I believe we all have some innate ability, talent, calling -- call it what you will, but that part of us is either nurtured by our up bringing, or suppressed. Luckily for me I was raised well, and given the opportunity to discover my talent. I was 9. "Deep Purple" by Machine Head came on the radio and I froze. I had never heard such music before. It struck a chord in me. Not sure how else to explain it. And I knew -- that's what I wanted to do.

      I consider myself very lucky because, for some, their potential is never realized, or it's too frightening, too much of a deviation from the life they've become accustomed to. And like you said, when we're younger, we have this notion that all adults have things figured out, that one day, we'll reach a point where the world finally makes sense to us, too.

      Wrong. The world is constantly evolving, and we have the ability to evolve with it. So happy to hear you're following your heart, Forest. Thought of this quote by Kurt Vonnegut:

      "Go into the arts. I’m not kidding. The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possible can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something."

  5. I definitely feel you, Troy. They don't have it figured out. What I know is this: we - me - my generation - we're just trying to figure it out. Figure out who we are, what we believe, how we want to present ourselves to the world. So, when I though of this, I realized that when my parents, and much of my generations parents were my age, they had already had children... us. And we, as their children looked to them for answer and they, in turn, tried their very best to instill values and morals in us. Meanwhile, they were our age, so.. while they have this gigantic task of not fucking up a child for life, and teaching real important lessons, they themselves were still just kids trying to figure it out. With that, what I mean is that no matter who you are, what age, where you live, if you wake up, you got a shot. A shot at doing whatever it is you believe is worth it. No one has the answers. And hell, the fun isn't in the answer, it's in exploring the question.

  6. The key, as you've discovered and as I'm exploring, is never put what it is you truly feel in your soul on the back burner. Because if you do, it's likely (very very very likely) that you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Just like the people in our lives; don't waste time on the ones that drain us of our natural energy, our life blood. Be fire - be ice - be whatever you want, but just BE TRUE TO THAT THING THAT IS YOU.
