Tuesday, June 12, 2012

In music, like life, there is always a "better." A better take in the recording studio. A better performance on stage. A better tomorrow, and all that.

It's this belief in the better that motivates me as an artist and musician. William Faulkner said artists are creatures driven by demons, and that may be. But for  me, not knowing the limit of my own potential is what keeps me thinking. Working. Striving to achieve better.

So I pick up the guitar and muse whilst my fingertips scrutinize the strings. I'm a bind man searching for braille, for inspiration. And suddenly -- I find it. Or it finds me. My fingers deftly dance up and down the neck of the guitar. I close my eyes and take a back seat to the music. I have faith it gets better.


  1. While sipping my latte at a cafe today, I came across you on YouTube and thusly, landed here.

    I couldn't agree with Faulkner more, there is something deep within us (whether it's a demon or not) that drives us to make a better song, better poem, better life... because really, the potential is limitless... With that, I found that the Forex market, as you so daftly speak of, has the same qualities. In it, I can use my knowledge and drive to try and create a limitless lifestyle for myself. I spent the entire afternoon reading your posts and can't get enough. Please keep writing on here and helping all of us out. You're music is a killer soundtrack for checking on my updates in Forex market, too!

    1. I love your line: "create a limitless lifestyle for myself." Lifestyle is word I hardly hear any more, and it's a shame. People talk about their jobs. Portfolios. Political convictions. But lifestyle? Not so much. And isn't being in control of your lifestyle -- what makes you happy -- the point of having a job? Owning a portfolio? Voting for the right candidate?

      Life should always be lived in style. I sympathize for those who feel otherwise. Sure, Forex comes with its fair share of risks -- but what path to happiness doesn't?

      Keep livin' the dream, lovechili. Thanks for your support.
