Monday, June 18, 2012

There is no central Forex building. No HQ. No army of paper-pushes squawking about like headless-hens in house. That means any quote you find on the Internet comes from an independent source, and although quotes may appear strikingly similar, they tend to vary slightly.     

You'll find a million and one trading "gurus" out there trying to sell you on their experience. In reality, what they're really doing is selling you on a broker. (Keep an eye out for the link on their page to the Dealing Center, where you'll be asked to open an account.) These gurus teach for money. "Buy my DVD on this selling system and you'll be buying yachts in no time!" Sound familiar? When in actuality, these gurus make their money from brokers who pay them to attract new customers. Take a closer next time you visit one of these supposed Forex sure-thing sites. (On some, you can call and ask a live person questions. Imagine how much that cost the broker.)  

It's not a business. It's a game. And you should only trust those who have something to lose. Like you.


  1. Ugh. My aunt lost nearly everything because of one of those get-rich-quick, do-it-yourself trading videos. It was horrible. She was so sad all the time because she couldn't understand how someone could just take advantage of her like that. Then she found the solace she needed. Friends that she previously didn't know were involved in Forex trading helped her get back on her feet and with a little ingenuity and patients, she's back to top of her game and trading with the best of them. No broker, no 'guru', just good old fashioned word of mouth.

  2. Hey Sam! I just found out about this - You should really check it out, it's a fully automated system of trading that allows you the freedom to do what you want when you're not trading - isn't that what we all want, absolute freedom? DaVinciTrades uses two systems that you can choose from: and Equity Day Trader or an E-Mini Futures Day Trader. It's so simple and easy - TurnKey, as they say, because you just turn your key and it's on! The point is great because it identifies "short-term momentum" and helps eliminate human error. I'll keep you updated as to my growing results.

    1. Hey Jess, great suggestion. I've seen DaVinci in action and I can't stress enough how much it seemed to simplify things. I wish you the best of luck! Definitely keep us up to date on your progress.
