Monday, July 2, 2012

A Story

People should be judged by whether or not they die with a story.
Luckily, on tour, everyone has one.
We're sitting in the back of the bus after a long, hot, humid and worse yet -- wet -- day in Houston, swapping stories like free-for-all ping pong. Back and forth. Off to the side. 
Andrew knows a guy who got eaten by a crocodile. Or at least he did.
Devin shows us a picture of him with David Lynch. Eric and I -- huge  movie nerds -- can't get enough of it. 
Then there's Mike's half-pound bag of Sour Patch kids. Amps that have "balls for days." How many push-ups each of us can do. The conversation winds deep into the night, into the next morning.
"The first time I saw Def Leppard in concert," says Eric, "I was 8, and I got so high off of second hand smoke.." Laughter erupts. "That's probably why I play guitar in your band."
So even if it's just a story about a guitorgan, (that's a guitar and organ mashed together -- yes, they exist) have a story. A joke. Something to say. Be your own protagonist, in case the book turns out to be shorter than expected.


  1. I love that idea. Our beautiful lives are our memories and they help us make decisions in the future. We figure out the best way for us to live through how our actions and thoughts affected us and other around us before. Plus, people are funnier at a party when they have a few good stories. Sometimes we jumble it up, add a detail or switch a person on accident, but the way we remember it is our perspective. Do you recall your first memory?

  2. And how do you even play a guitorang? hah!! Awesome.
