Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stay informed

The more informed you are, the greater threat you pose in life. In society. But, it's difficult to keep up to date with everything nowadays. As soon as you buy the latest Apple product, they've released a better, faster one. As soon as you learn the name of the country the government just invaded, they've declared war on someone more terrifying. So, how does the average person stay informed with a 9-5 or kids or a music career,like me? The right software. Because that's the beauty of technology - it helps us stay up to speed. For some, it still moves too fast. But I just teamed up with Forex's new Da Vinci trading system, and I'm not embarrassed to admit that it makes me look good. The display helps me keep track of the stock market while offering unique forecasting perspectives. Don't know a lick about stocks, currency trading, or computers in general? That's OK. You still trust yourself over any anonymous trader, don't you? Besides, it's fun to learn money things. And the more you know, the greater threat you pose.

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