Friday, March 30, 2012

Today I watched Robin Williams in "Man of the Year." It was playing on network TV and I figured, why not? Just a quick synopsis -- the movie is about a presidential election that, because of a computer error, puts the wrong man, a comedian played by Robin Williams, in the Oval Office.

Sure, it's just a comedy, and some of the technical jargon, I'm sure, was far-fetched. But still... it made me think. Today ballets are cast on computers. Made up of ones and zeros. And when that's the case... there's always someone willing to try and crack the code. Cheat the system. Cause chaos.

The Presidency of the United States is the most prestigious position one can hope to achieve in this country. Imagine not ever being able to know if the man, or woman, with access to the largest nuclear stockpile of weapons might not have been the democratic choice, but instead the choice of some hacker sitting in a basement.

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