Knowledge should be free! And the internet has provided us a platform for sharing ideas and collaborating like never before. However, with every innovation in technology comes those who are willing to abuse it in order to cheat, or defraud, the system. The digital age has transitioned to digital terrorism and the piracy of our private information, our identities. You'll say, "Well that won't happen to me" until the unfortunate day it does.
Luckily, there is a way to combat the rising risk associated with technology. Vault Revolution helps lock files safely away on your hard drive or any portable USB. Simply enter a password and never have to worry about whose hands your passwords and private photos might one day accidentally, or purposefully, fall into. Vault Revolution protects my music, and I wouldn't recommend anything less for your home PC.
The government might think censoring the internet is the solution, but this merely punishes the platform, not those accountable. Each and every one of us must take the necessary steps to ensure our PC's security for ourselves. That way, no matter what bad apples might be floating around out there in cyberspace, your files are locked away with a non-mathematically, practically uncrackable encryption. So join me in the fight to keep our greatest information resource - the internet - not only free, but free of insecurity.
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